Molecular mapping in oil radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and QTL analysis of resistance against beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii)
文献类型: 外文期刊
作者: Budahn, Holger 1 ; Peterka, Herbert 1 ; Mousa, Magdi Ali Ahmed 2 ; Ding, Yunhua 3 ; Zhang, Shaosong 4 ; Li, Jinbin 4 ;
作者机构: 1.Inst Breeding Res Hort & Fruit Crops, Julius Kuhn Inst, D-06484 Quedlinburg, Germany
2.Assiut Univ, Fac Agr, Dept Hort, Assiut 71526, Egypt
3.Acad Agr & Forestry Sci, Beijing Vegetable Res Ctr, Beijing 100097, Peoples R China
4.Yunnan Acad Agr Sci, Biotechnol Res Inst, Kunming 650223, Peoples R China
期刊名称:THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS ( 影响因子:5.699; 五年影响因子:5.565 )
收录情况: SCI
摘要: The beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii Schmidt) can be controlled biologically in highly infected soils of sugar beet rotations using resistant varieties of oil radish (Raphanus sativus L. ssp. oleiferus DC.) as a green crop. Resistant plants stimulate infective juveniles to invade roots, but prevent them after their penetration to complete the life cycle. The resistance trait has been transferred successfully to susceptible rapeseed by the addition of a complete radish chromosome. The aim of the study was to construct a genetic map for radish and to develop resistance-associated markers. The map with 545 RAPD, dpRAPD, AFLP and SSR markers had a length of 1,517 cM, a mean distance of 2.8 cM and consisted of nine linkage groups having sizes between 120 and 232 cM. Chromosome-specific markers for the resistance-bearing chromosome d and the other eight radish chromosomes, developed previously from a series of rapeseed-radish addition lines, were enclosed as anchor markers. Each of the extra chromosomes in the addition lines could be unambiguously assigned to one of the radish linkage groups. The QTL analysis of nematode resistance was realized in the intraspecific F(2) mapping population derived from a cross between varieties 'Pegletta' (nematode resistant) x 'Siletta Nova' (susceptible). A dominant major QTL Hs1( Rph ) explaining 46.4% of the phenotypic variability was detected in a proximal position of chromosome d. Radish chromosome-specific anchor markers with known map positions were made available for future recombination experiments to incorporate segments carrying desired genes as Hs1( Rph ) from radish into rapeseed by means of chromosome addition lines.
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