Sr-90 in King Bolete Boletus edulis and certain other mushrooms consumed in Europe and China
文献类型: 外文期刊
作者: Saniewski, Michal 1 ; Zalewska, Tamara 1 ; Krasinska, Grazyna 2 ; Szylke, Natalia 2 ; Wang, Yuanzhong 3 ; Falandysz 1 ;
作者机构: 1.Natl Res Inst, Inst Meteorol & Water Management, Maritime Branch, PL-81342 Gdynia, Poland
2.Univ Gdansk, Lab Environm Chem & Ecotoxicol, PL-80308 Gdansk, Poland
3.Yunnan Acad Agr Sci, Inst Med Plants, Kunming 650200, Peoples R China
关键词: Mushrooms;Organic food;Wild foods;Radioactivity
期刊名称:SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT ( 影响因子:7.963; 五年影响因子:7.842 )
收录情况: SCI
摘要: The Sr-90 activity concentrations released from a radioactive fallout have been determined in a range of samples of mushrooms collected in Poland, Belarus, China, and Sweden in 1996-2013. Measurement of Sr-90 in pooled samples of mushrooms was carried out with radiochemical procedure aimed to pre-isolate the analyte from the fungal materials before it was determined using the Low-Level Beta Counter. Interestingly, the Purple Bolete Imperator rhodopurpureus collected from Yunnan in south-western China in 2012 showed Sr-90 activity concentration at around 10 Bq kg(-1) dry biomass, which was greater when compared to other mushrooms in this study. The King Bolete Boletus edulis from China showed the Sr-90 activity in caps at around 1.5 Bq kg(-1) dry biomass (whole fruiting bodies) in 2012 and for specimens from Poland activity was well lower than 1.0 Bq kg-1 dry biomass in 1998-2010. A sample of Sarcodon imbricatus collected in 1998 from the north-eastern region of Poland impacted by Chernobyl fallout showed Sr-90 in caps at around 5 Bq kg(-1) dry biomass. Concentration of Sr-90 in Bay Bolete Royoporus (Xerocomus or Boletus) badius from affected region of Gomel in Belarus was in 2010 at 2.1 Bq kg(-1) dry biomass. In several other species from Poland Sr-90 was at <0.5 to around 1.0 Bq kg(-1) dry biomass. Activity concentrations of Sr-90 in popular B. edulis and some other mushrooms collected from wild in Poland were very low (<1 Bq kg(-1) dry biomass), and values noted showed on persistence of this type of radioactivity in mushrooms over time passing from nuclear weapons tests and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant catastrophe. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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