Complex Genetic System Involved in Fusarium Ear Rot Resistance in Maize as Revealed by GWAS, Bulked Sample Analysis, and Genomic Prediction
文献类型: 外文期刊
作者: Guo, Zifeng 1 ; Zou, Cheng 1 ; Liu, Xiaogang 1 ; Wang, Shanhong 1 ; Li, Wen-Xue 1 ; Jeffers, Dan 3 ; Fan, Xingming 4 ; Xu 1 ;
作者机构: 1.Chinese Acad Agr Sci, Inst Crop Sci, Int Maize & Wheat Improvement Ctr China, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China
2.China Agr Univ, Natl Maize Improvement Ctr China, Beijing 100193, Peoples R China
3.Int Maize & Wheat Improvement Ctr, El Batan 56130, Texcoco, Mexico
4.Yunnan Acad Agr Sci, Inst Food Crops, Kunming 650200, Yunnan, Peoples R China
5.Shanghai Acad Agr Sci, Int Maize & Wheat Improvement Ctr, China Specialty Maize Res Ctr, Shanghai 201400, Peoples R China
6.Foshan Univ, Int Maize & Wheat Improvement Ctr, China Trop Maize Res Ctr, Foshan 528231, Peoples R China
关键词: bulked sample analysis; Fusarium verticillioides; genome-wide association study; genomic selection; maize
期刊名称:PLANT DISEASE ( 影响因子:4.438; 五年影响因子:4.7 )
ISSN: 0191-2917
年卷期: 2020 年 104 卷 6 期
收录情况: SCI
摘要: Fusarium ear rot (FER) caused by Fusarium verticillioides is one of the most prevalent maize diseases in China and worldwide. Resistance to FER is a complex trait controlled by multiple genes highly affected by environment. In this paper, genome-wide association study (GWAS), bulked sample analysis (BSA), and genomic prediction were performed for understanding FER resistance using 509 diverse inbred lines, which were genotyped by 37,801 high-quality single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Ear rot evaluation was performed using artificial inoculation in four environments in China: Xinxiang, Henan, and Shunyi, Beijing, during 2017 and 2018. Significant phenotypic and genetic variation for FER severity was observed, and FER resistance was significantly correlated among the four environments with a generalized heritability of 0.78. GWAS identified 23 SNPs that were associated with PER resistance, 2 of which (1_226233417 on chromosome 1 and 10_14501044 on chromosome 10) were associated at threshold of 2.65 x 10(-7) [-log(0.01/37,801)]. Using BSA, resistance quantitative trait loci were identified on chromosomes 3, 4, 7, 9, and 10 at the 90% confidence level and on chromosomes 3 and 10 at the 95% confidence level. A key region, bin 10.03, was detected by both GWAS and BSA. Genomic prediction for FER resistance showed that the prediction accuracy by trait-related markers was higher than that by randomly selected markers under different levels of marker density. Marker-assisted selection using genomic prediction could be an efficient strategy for genetic improvement for complex traits like FER resistance.
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