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文献类型: 中文期刊

作者: 李东徽 1 ; 宋杰 1 ; 关文灵 1 ; 董则奉 1 ; 陈贤 1 ;

作者机构: 1.云南农业大学园林园艺学院;云南省农业科学院花卉研究所

期刊名称: Journal of Landscape Research

ISSN: 1943-989X

年卷期: 2012 年 03 期

页码: 25-28

摘要: Urban riverbank has connected water and land eco-system in the city,not only playing a vital role in releasing flood and conserving water and soil,but also of significant landscape and ecological value.In view of riverbank greening construction in the comprehensive improvement of rivers in Kunming City in recent years,the paper has analyzed three common riverbank greening modes based on the field survey,that is,protective greening,landscape greening and ecological greening.Then,some suggestions and countermeasures have been proposed,including enhancing construction of ecological river,exploring historical and cultural connotation of rivers,and selecting reasonable plants' species and disposition mode.

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