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Effects of wheat/faba bean intercropping on soil nitrogen transformation processes

文献类型: 外文期刊

作者: Xu, Yongbo 1 ; Qiu, Weiwen 2 ; Sun, Jianping 1 ; Mueller, Christoph 3 ; Lei, Baokun 5 ;

作者机构: 1.Yunnan Agr Univ, Kunming 650201, Yunnan, Peoples R China

2.New Zealand Inst Plant & Food Res Ltd, Private Bag 4704, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand

3.Justus Liebig Univ Giessen, Dept Plant Ecol, Heinrich Buff Ring 26, D-35392 Giessen, Germany

4.Univ Coll Dublin, Sch Biol & Environm Sci, Dublin, Ireland

5.Yunnan Acad Agr Sci, Inst Agr Environm & Resources, Kunming 650205, Yunnan, Peoples R China

关键词: N-15 tracing technique; Intercropping advantages; Interspecific interaction; Mineral N supply and conservation; Soil gross N transformation rates

期刊名称:JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS ( 影响因子:3.308; 五年影响因子:3.586 )

ISSN: 1439-0108

年卷期: 2019 年 19 卷 4 期


收录情况: SCI

摘要: Purpose Intercropping can increase crop production and maintain soil organic matter levels in soil. The underlying mechanisms are associated with above- and below-ground nutrient (e.g., nitrogen) availability, uptake, and use efficiency. The aims of this study were to identify the effect of the N availability improvement on yield of intercrops and to explore soil N transformation rates in rhizosphere soil of wheat/faba bean intercrops, as compared with their sole crops. Materials and methods In a field experiment, crops productivity was measured and rhizosphere soils of intercropped and monocropped wheat/faba bean were collected to examine changes of soil gross N transformation rates via a nitrogen-15 (N-15) incubation study. Results and discussion Intercropping significantly increased the productivity. Grain yields of intercropped faba bean and wheat were 11.4 and 34.2% higher than those of the corresponding monocrops, respectively. The gross and net rates of organic N mineralization and nitrification, as well as the gross mineral N immobilization rates were considerably greater in intercropping compared to the sole cropping system. The results suggested that the increased grain yield during intercropping was related to an improved capacity of N supply and conservation in soils via an intensification of the mineralization-immobilization turnover (MIT) and intercropping enhanced mineral N availability. Conclusions Our findings demonstrated that wheat/faba bean intercropping was able to significantly increase the productivity of both companion crops under subtropical condition. The environmental implication of NO3- leaching and runoff under monocropping conditions could be alleviated by adopting an intercropping management.

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