Decaploidy in Rosa praelucens Byhouwer (Rosaceae) Endemic to Zhongdian Plateau, Yunnan, China
文献类型: 外文期刊
作者: Jian, Hongying 1 ; Zhang, Hao 1 ; Tang, Kaixue 1 ; Li, Shufa 1 ; Wang, Qigang 1 ; Zhang, Ting 1 ; Qiu, Xianqin 1 ; Yan, H 1 ;
作者机构: 1.Yunnan Acad Agr Sci, Flower Res Inst, Key Lab Flower Breeding Yunnan Prov, Kunming 650205, Yunnan, Peoples R China
关键词: decaploid;endemic;hybridization;karyotype;polyploidy;Rosa praelucens Byhouwer
期刊名称:CARYOLOGIA ( 影响因子:0.918; 五年影响因子:0.846 )
收录情况: SCI
摘要: Genus Rosa (Rosaceae) has a base chromosome number of x= 7. Ploidy levels of wild species range from 2n = 2x = 14 to 2n = 8x = 56. In this paper, one decaploid, the highest naturally occurring ploidy never reported before in the genus was detected in the karyological study of an endemic wild species, R. praelucens Byhouwer to Zhongdian Plateau, Yunnan, China. Its karyotype formula was 2n =10x = 70 = 2st + 6sm + 62m and the karyotype was 2B. Chromosome No. 6 was subterminal. Chromosome No. 15, No. 22 and No. 23 were submedian. According to its karyomorphology, R. praelucens derived not from auto polyploidization directly but from inter-specific hybridization. Polyploidization and inter-species hybridization both might have played important roles in the origin of R. praelucens associated with effect of high altitude environment. Further research on this species is warranted to provide helpful evidences to understand the differentiation and evolution of the Genus Rosa, and even clues to trace the process of speciation in Sino-Himalayan region.
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