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Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus) in combination provide greater suppression of mile-a-minute (Mikania micrantha) than either crop alone

文献类型: 外文期刊

作者: Shen, Shicai 1 ; Xu, Gaofeng 1 ; Ma, Guangzong 1 ; Li, Diyu 1 ; Yang, Shaosong 1 ; Jin, Guimei 1 ; Clements, David Roy 3 ; Chen, Aidong 1 ; Wen, Lina 1 ; Cui, Yuchen 1 ; Chuan, Li 1 ; Zhang, Fudou 1 ; Liu, Bo 5 ;

作者机构: 1.Yunnan Acad Agr Sci, Agr Environm & Resource Res Inst, Key Lab Prevent & Control Biol Invas, Minist Agr & Rural Affairs China, Kunming, Peoples R China

2.Yunnan Acad Agr Sci, Agr Environm & Resource Res Inst, Key Lab Green Prevent & Control Agr Transboundary, Kunming, Peoples R China

3.Trinity Western Univ, Dept Biol, Langley, BC, Canada

4.Yunnan Univ, Sch Agr, Kunming, Peoples R China

5.Chinese Acad Agr Sci, Agr Genom Inst Shenzhen, Shenzhen, Peoples R China

关键词: sweet potato; hyacinth bean; mile-a-minute; multispecies competition; soil nutrients

期刊名称:FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE ( 影响因子:5.6; 五年影响因子:6.8 )

ISSN: 1664-462X

年卷期: 2023 年 14 卷


收录情况: SCI

摘要: IntroductionIn natural systems, diverse plant communities tend to prevent a single species from dominating. Similarly, management of invasive alien plants may be achieved through various combinations of competing species. MethodsWe used a de Wit replacement series to compare different combinations of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam), hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet) and mile-a-minute (Mikania micrantha Kunth) through measures of photosynthesis, plant growth, nutrient levels in plant tissue and soil, and competitive ability. ResultsCultured alone sweet potato and hyacinth beans exhibited higher total biomass, leafstalk length, and leaf area than mile-a-minute. In mixed culture, either sweet potato or hyacinth bean or both together significantly suppressed the mile-a-minute parameters, i.e., plant height, branch, leaf, adventitious root, and biomass (P<0.05). Based on a significantly lower than 1.0 relative yield of the three plant species in mixed culture, we showed intraspecific competition to be less than interspecific competition. Calculated indices (relative yield, relative yield total, competitive balance index, and change in contribution) demonstrated a higher competitive ability and higher influence of either crop compared to mile-a-minute. The presence of sweet potato and hyacinth bean, especially with both species in combination, significantly reduced (P<0.05) mile-a-minute's net photosynthetic rate (Pn), antioxidant enzyme activities (superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, catalase, and malondialdehyde), chlorophyll content, and nutrient content (N, P, and K). In soil with mile-a-minute in monoculture soil organic matter, total and available N, total and available K, and available P were significantly greater (P<0.05) than in soil with sweet potato grown in monoculture, but less than in soil with hyacinth bean grown in monoculture soil. Nutrient soil content was comparatively reduced for plant mixtures. Plant height, leaf, biomass, Pn, antioxidant enzyme activities, and plant and soil nutrient contents of sweet potato and hyacinth bean tended to be much greater when grown with two crops compared to in mixture with just sweet potato or hyacinth bean. DiscussionOur results suggest that the competitive abilities of both sweet potato and hyacinth bean were greater than that of mile-a-minute, and also that mile-a-minute suppression was significantly improved via a combination of the two crops compared to either sweet potato or hyacinth bean alone.

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